Cinelab London join creative media leaders in discussion driven by government officials

Europe’s biggest comprehensive film lab, Cinelab London has been hand-picked to define best practice in film processing in the Parliamentary Review – a government-led publication for reform and discussion across key government policy sectors.
Co-chaired by Lord Blunkett and Lord Pickles, The Parliamentary Review is read by approximately 500,000 individuals across the country, and invites businesses to air their views while influencing future government policy and strategy. Cinelab London is the only film laboratory in Europe providing a complete solution for film, from acquisition through to final delivery and were speaking amongst other Creative Media representatives including Working Title and The Institute of Direct & Digital Marketing.
Cinelab London’s CEO, Adrian Bull says:
“It was an honour to be asked to be a part of this discussion. Our business has come on a long way since we opened in 2013. To now be a contributing voice to the best practices in the film business is incredible. The Creative Media issue is full of insight into the future of our industry and we are thrilled to be included with other forward-thinking businesses.”
Co-chairman of The Review, Lord Pickles, has noted that this year's Review provides "content from a wide range of organisations - small and large; new and old; those at the peak of their powers and those who have peaks to surmount" all of whose voices must be listened to by those in power.
Writing in The Review, the prime minister says that
"British politics provides ample material for analysis in the pages of The Parliamentary Review."